Location,Placerville, CA 95667,USA


Workforce Management for Everyone.

Stop Wasting Your Money

Don’t Buy Timeclocks from Auction Sites Companies in search of replacing their existing time and attendance systems discover that the clocks they were using with their older system are not compatible with their new system. The alternative, they believe, to save money is to buy their timeclocks from auction sites. Stop wasting your money –…
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time and attendance on mobile and desktop devices

Why Time and Attendance Matters to Everyone

When someone punches in for somebody else before they arrive to work so they won’t show up as late, that’s costing you money. Someone walks off the campus and punches out after leaving the company grounds, that’s costing you money. When someone doesn’t punch and someone else needs to remind them or correct their error…
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overtime on clock with person working

New Employment Rules Started January 1, 2020 Make More Workers Eligible for Overtime

More workers are eligible for overtime due to new employment rules. The U.S. Department of Labor’s new mandatory overtime pay rules go into effect Jan. 1. The rule extends overtime pay to an estimated 1.3 million U.S. workers. The new rule raises the threshold to $35,568, up from the previous threshold of $23,660 annually. Workers…
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